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Can Anyone Become an Author?

The simple quick answer is that anyone has the potential to become an author. It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are, or where you’re starting from, writing is all about sharing stories and ideas. With a bit of imagination and effort, anyone can write a story worth telling. 

Some of the most successful writers started out at a young age, and some even started out in their senior years. Laura Ingalls Wilder, famous for the Little House on the Prairie series, got her first book published when she was 65, and Mary Shelley was 18 when she wrote Frankenstein. If you’ve got ideas, you absolutely can put them into words. All it takes is the willingness to put your thoughts on paper.

How to Bring Your Storytelling Skills to Life

A common fear is when one thinks, “What if I’m no good at writing?” 

Writing is a skill that improves with practice. Just as a carpenter gets more competent in cutting boards and hammering nails, writing gets easier the more you do it. Also, everybody has their own style, so don’t get wrapped up trying to write like someone else. Just focus on finding what works for you and keep working on it. The more you write, the better you’ll get. The best practice would be to set a target to reach each day and hit it. Write 1000 words per day. Write 2000 words per day. Or you could set a time limit by writing two hours per day without fail. But do make it a practice. 

Everyone Can Be an Author—And That Means You

There’s no secret formula, no inborn or magic talent to discover. Take your creativity and willingness to work on sharing your ideas. The world is full of readers looking and waiting for fresh voices, and you might just be the next one to capture the world’s attention.


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