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Can You Become an Author at 13?

If you're a young teenager and wondering if you can actually become an author, the answer is simple: absolutely. Age has little to do with the ability to write. It’s only based on your creativity. No matter your age, old or young, you can have a far-reaching imagination. There’s nothing to prevent you from writing and publishing a book using present day resources. 

First Step: Start Writing

As a young writer, you’ve got a unique perspective on life that you can use to your advantage. Experiment with different storylines, ideas,  characters, environments, and worlds. You may feel clumsy at first but have no fear, the important step to take is simply to start writing. Whenever you get an idea, jot it down, and save it in a folder for future reference. The more you practice laying out your ideas on paper or on your computer, the easier writing will become. Like any new skill, it can be learned, just let it take the time it needs to develop and you’ll gain certainty and competence. 

Second Step: Developing Your Writing Skills

Expanding your plot, refining your characters, and detailing the world they inhabit is what will begin to make your story form into something you'll be proud of. Just keep writing and working over these factors until you yourself really care for them and are rooting for them to overcome whatever challenges they have come across in your story. 

Third Step: Published - Turn Your Dream Reality

There are plenty of publishing options, from submitting to publishers who look for young authors to self-publishing your work. Even publishing your work through Amazon KDP is within reach. To create an Amazon KDP account one must be 18 years old but there are plenty of parents/guardians who have set up accounts for their kids and Amazon fully accepts this solution.

In short, age is no barrier to becoming an author. Take your idea, develop it into more detail, and simply continue writing. Who knows? Your book could go viral! Happy writing!


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