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How to Start Writing Your Book

You have probably been struck by an experience or an idea and thought, "This would make a great story"? The next thing though is that you wonder how it’s even possible to write such a story, get it published, bring it in front of those people who you hope will eventually buy a copy. The process of writing can seem overwhelming but in fact it’s a very rewarding activity. Let's take it one step at a time to get you started.

Find Your Inspiration

Before you dive willy-nilly into writing, take a moment to think about what excites and interests you. Whether it’s exploring new worlds, crafting suspenseful mysteries, or creating memorable characters, your passion will be the foundation of your book. Brainstorm through a number of different ideas until something really clicks. This is where your story starts to take shape.

Plan Your Story

The next step is to outline your story. This can be a very rough few sentences which begin to give your story structure, or it can be more detailed. The outline is your roadmap, guiding you through the beginning, middle, and end of your book. An outline itself is not set in stone. Very likely you will amend it a number of times as the story gets more refined. Leaving some room for spontaneity can lead to great plot twists and surprises. Let the outline keep you focused but have enough flexibility for new thoughts.

Create Your Characters

The characters are the heart of your story. Whether they're heroes, villains, or side characters, take time to develop them. What do they look like? How do they talk? What drives them? Think about their past experiences, personality quirks, and motivations. The more depth your characters have in your own mind, the more relatable and engaging they'll be for your readers.

Start Writing

Now it’s time to start writing in earnest. Don’t worry about making it perfect—just start putting sentences on the page. Follow your outline, but feel free to explore new directions if inspiration strikes. Once you have a draft, share it with others for their feedback to help refine your work.

Keep Practicing

Writing is not a talent you are born with, it is a skill to be acquired through constant practice. The more you write, the more you will be able to write easily and well. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks—every draft is a step toward making your story even better.

Good luck, and enjoy yourself!


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