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Steps to Become an Author

Step One: Find Your Story

The first step is discovering a story you’d like to share. Maybe you have a great number of ideas swimming around your mind. Those random thoughts, memories, and even daydreams can be the kernel of your new book. It could be something inspired by your childhood or a completely fictional and fantastical world. It always starts with an idea. Keep a log of ideas that come to mind, no matter how rough or incomplete. It’s all part of the origination of a story.

Step Two: Write!

Once you have your idea, start shaping it into a story. Here is where you can also develop your characters in detail. Just outline your plot ideas on how the story starts, who does what, and how it reaches a dramatic point, and then note down ideas on how to bring the story to a satisfying close. Writing well takes practice. It is a skill that you can develop, just by doing it a lot. The more you practice, the better you’ll get and the more easily it will flow. 

Step Three: Create Your First Draft

With practice under your belt, expand the story and begin to bring your setting and characters to life. Don’t pay too much attention to perfection at this point, you’ll have time to refine it later. Simply focus on finishing your first draft.

Step Four: Share Your Story

Once you’ve completed your story, pass it around to friends and family for their feedback. You could even join a writing group that can be very helpful by providing you with fresh perspectives and advice on how to improve. Then, start thinking about editing and finalizing your manuscript. Once you’re happy with it, You could get more feedback and then finalize the book. 

Step Five: Publish

Explore your options for publishing. The easiest way nowadays is using Amazon KDP.

Becoming an author is a straightforward process. It can be a bit strenuous at first but it’s one that you can definitely achieve. Most importantly, write lots and lots, and don’t give up. Soon you’ll be ready to share your stories with the world.

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